Good bye 2021

Good morning 2022.

2021 was a year of ups and downs, highs and lows and the usual seesaw of emotion that comes with every year.

As a family, we moved from our first home to our last one (I’m never leaving). We managed to see a lot more of our friends and family than the previous year (remember 2020? that was rough). And we have made significant progress with the adaptations that we need to make our house perfect for everyone who lives in it.

Runa has her new bed, we are learning to use her hoist, we have architectural drawings completed for her wet room and we are hopefully going to get her new walker very soon. Her walker will be used primarily as a standing frame, but you never know! The desire to see what happens if she pushes forward on her legs may be there.

Ru also got her new wheelchair this year and she looks so big and grown up in it. We’ve noticed her getting a little more grabby with her left hand and she continues to be the most wonderfully interactive and beautiful human. 2022 will bring big changes for our strong girl as she will be starting primary school! Watch this space for insanely emotional parents.

Everyone else is doing good. Three quarters of a year in this house and it definitely feels like home. Unpacking is not complete and decorating is hardly started, but what do you expect? We’re lazy and have too many children.

I ended 2021 on a good note. My children are thriving, my husband is wonderful and my cat is adorable when he’s not being a dick. there have been so many horrible stories and sad situations in the world this year, it makes me particularly grateful for my beautiful Wyllie bubble.

To everyone who still perseveres with reading my little blog, thank you.

I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year x