Happy Father’s Day!

Today I wanted to share what an amazing father my husband is. Be prepared for gushing, sycophantic drivel.

During lockdown, due to me being very pregnant, Stewart has had to do every little errand- shopping, pharmacy trips, Runa’s spine appointment- all whilst working full time from our kitchen. In addition to that, due to my pelvic and sciatic pain he has also been having to run around after me, lifting Runa in and out of bed, bathing her, lifting her from the floor into her chair and doing all of the heavy lifting. And believe me, that girl is getting exceptionally heavy.

Everything Stewart does is for his family, no matter how annoying we get and how demanding we are, he just takes it all in his stride and does what’s best for us. (I’m fairly positive he’s one “My Little Pony” episode away from a psychotic break).

With Nina he works hard to challenge her and support her to reach her potential. He is helping to raise a strong, independent woman and he enables her with endless love and encouragement. They also argue a lot, but cuddle more. Whether it’s Lego, home work, ballet practice or dressing up like “Princess Daddy”, he is always on hand to have fun.

With Runa, Stewart is grateful for the wonderful, beautiful human she is. It can be hard sometimes to see other two year olds running around, learning to talk and doing all the great things that you’d typically expect from your child. Despite this, Stewart treats Runa with all the love in the world, determined to support her to do what she can whilst not putting unreasonable expectations on her.

Runa is very unsubtle about who her favourite parent is. When Stewart walks into the room she immediately brightens. She flings her arms  in excitement, giggles and wriggles until he pays attention to her. When he cuddles her she cosies into his shoulder and is just full of glee. Doesn’t put my nose out of joint at all…

It won’t be long until Stewart gets to unleash his awesome father skills on another daughter-  I can’t wait to see their bond blossom as I have with Neens and Ru.

Happy Father’s Day Stewart! You’re the best dad we know!